Friday, March 7, 2014

Living in Berlin x interview 021: a shop where you can find cozy and lovely clothes

Mina,德國人,父母來自韓國。目前有自己的品牌:Mandutrap,以及一個店面位在Kreuzberg,KleiderSchrank mode & möbel。
Mina comes from Korea but was born and grew up in Germany. She has moved to Berlin for about 8 years. Now she has her own brand, Mandutrap, and a mode shop located in Kreuzberg, KleiderSchrank mode & möbel.

Why did you move to Berlin?

在德國北部的小鎮長大,然後在漢堡的一所應用科學大學(Fachhochschule)唸書,有兩個學期回到在韓國的家鄉 - 首爾唸書,非常喜歡在那裡的生活,所以畢業之後也想要繼續在大城市裡生活,於是就來到了柏林。
I grew up in a small town in north Germany. Later I moved to Hamburg because of my education in FH (Fachhochschule).I have lived in Seoul, my hometown in Korea, for 2 semesters to study. I enjoy the atmosphere and surrounding to live in big city. Therefore, after graduation, I decided to move to the capital, Berlin. So, here I am.

Do you like Berlin?

I like it. Though I’ve been here for almost 8 years, but I still like this city. Of course there will be some time that I don’t like here, for example, the winter without sunshine but the gray sky, the drunk people on the street and weird people who came into my shop with some bizarre questions.  

Do you have any tips for Berlin?

The question is quite hard. I think, when you live here, you won’t really do some special things.
不過我還滿喜歡Tempelhofer Feld,夏天的時候非常迷人,那是一個很大的地方,有很多人在那裡進行各種運動,或者放風箏,烤肉,非常的舒服。
But I like Tempelhofer Feld, it’s a charming and big place. Lots of people do sports , fly the kite, BBQ or do other activities. It’s really lovely.
And I also like to go to Maybachufer. You can visit the week market there, and the scene along the riverbank is also very beautiful.

So your daily life is based on Neukölln and Kreuzberg?


Do you ever feel dangerous or not safe?

No. I feel quite safe. I ‘ve been lived in this area since I came to Berlin. I haven’t met any dangerous situation, because there are always lots of people fool around, even in the night. There is nothing to be afraid.

Let’s talk about your shop, what lead you do be a mode designer?

我是念傳達設計(Communication design)的,但是我同時也有修服裝設計(Fashion Design)的課程,畢業後就漸漸地往這個方向走了。
I studied Communication Design in school, but I also took some classes from Fashion Design. After graduation, my passion leads me to this direction.

Did you ever work by other people as a Fashion designer before you have your own shop?
作為一個服裝設計師沒有。畢業以後有在別人的公司擔任汽車的平面設計,也有在一間大公司裡面擔任平面與服裝設計師的實習生,其實我可以在那裡繼續工作,從那裡開始成為一個正式的設計師。但是因為唸書時期打過很多不同種類的工,很清楚為別人的公司工作是什麼樣的模式,但我想為自己工作。我想大概在我15歲的時候,就已經想要以後自己當老闆了。As a Fashion designer? No. After graduation, I had worked as a graphic designer in a car company, and in a big company as an intern (Fashion and Graphic Designer) for a while. I could just be a fashion designer there, but I decided to work for myself. When I  was still a student, I had a lot of different part time jobs. Thus I know how it works to work for other people. I think, I already knew that I want to be my own boss when I was 15 years old. 

Then do you have a target grope or any limitation for yourself?

No. I just design and make the clothes that I like. I didn’t have a target group and my clients are also very different, from 20 to 60 olds are all possible. The clients can be totally different when I use the same style but different fabrics. Through direct communication with clients, I knew the favorite of my clients, and I will make some adjustments in time. But I still keep designing what I like and develop new style, since I am the designer.

I never thought about limitation. Definitely there are good seasons and bad seasons, but it keeps moving forward. 

Where else do you sell your products?

我有Dawanda,還有Etsy兩個網路商店。但是在網路上賣出的商品類型和店裡會有差異。網路上購買的人相對就會購買比較多飾品,但是在店裡面就是洋裝和衣服這些比較好。除此之外我也固定參加市集,Markthalle Neun 大概每個月都有市集,我每個月都會去擺攤。 另外就是Holy Shit Shopping Berlin設計聖誕市集,雖然參加的費用頗高,但是非常值得,因為來的人潮非常非常的多,除了可以賣出許多商品以外,也是建立品牌的好機會。
I have two online shops, one is in Dawanda, and the other one is Etsy. Most people will buy decoration or accessories in the internet, but people who came to my shop  buy mostly clothes and dresses. The difference is very big. Besides I keep attending markets. Markthalle Neun is a monthly market where you can found me every month. The other big one is the Holy Shit Shopping Berlin – The Design Christmas Market. Though the fee is really high but it does worth, because I got really tons of clients. It is a good chance to sell products and build my brand in the same time.

Then do you like to work in market?

Haha. To be honest I won’t say I enjoy in it because I have lots to do. I need to pack all the clothes from shop to the market, and after the market I need to pack them again and put them on the clothes hangers in the shop again. But it’s also good to communicate with many people and I also get lots of friend there.

KleiderSchrank mode & möbel

10997 Berlin

Winter Wed - Sat : 12.00-18.00
Sommer Tue - Sat : 12.00-19.00




Living in Berlin 
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