Thursday, June 27, 2013

Living in Berlin x interview 005

Natsuko 來自日本 名古屋,來柏林大約一年,目前住在Friedrichshain。這一區應該是觀光客比較不會去的區塊,同樣有很多特色小店,非常多的餐廳,但是有很獨特的氛圍,年輕人滿多的。
Natsuko, comes from Nagoya, Japan, lived in Berlin for almost one year, now lives in Friedrichshain. I think, there are not so many tourist, but there are still lots of cool store, shop and restaurants, a unique atmosphere here, many young people.

There are various elements in their apartment, combining west and east, like gift from Japan, for their wedding, desk from India, really comfortable!

Do you like Berlin? She said, well, it is just okay for me.

Last year as she came to Berlin, the weather was so bad, so she had a really bad first impression hier, and then came the unbearable winter in Berlin, so that's really hard. She lived in Frankfurt am Main for two years, but she doesn't need to speak german there, so, she started to learn german when she lives in Berlin. Before she came to Berlin, she heard that here is quite international, but it's still different from her imagination. 

But the summer in Berlin is really wonderful, so she is changing her mind slowly

She has lived in many cities, her favorite city is San Francisco, the weather there is really nice, perfect for vacation, but she doesn't want to start a family there. For her, the sightseeings in Germany is not so attractive, but it is good to stay long, to live. But we both agree that the food in Munich is delicious!

She goes now 2 times a week to dance classes, Belly dance and Capoeira, so cool! She has learned Belly dance for 4 years since she was in Japan, and Capoeira is just beginning, I forgot to ask her show me a little bit....

Now she is a happy housewife, her dream is to have a small Imbiss which sells snacks from Japan, cuz she thinks that there are many restaurants but the sorts of snacks are not enough!!! It reminds me my lovely hometown, Tainan, where are full of delicious snacks!!!! Anyway, that's wait for her Imbiss!!!


Finally the no.5! Thanks for joining me, every time is a whole new practice, totally different places, different light, discussing various topics, getting new ideas for life, thank you all!

and join me!!!! plz! I need more people to join me! if you are interested to join, write me now!!!!

Living in Berlin 
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