Sunday, July 7, 2013

Living in Berlin x interview 007

Anna, 來自保加利亞,一個運用瓷做設計的飾品設計師,來到柏林快兩年,目前展間/工作室/住家三合一,住在Wedding,是一條安靜又舒適的巷道,是左右鄰舍會互相打招呼的那種!
Anna comes from Bulgaria, she is a artist, trained art teacher and a jewelry designer, her works are made of porcelain. She lives almost 2 years in Wedding, where her showroom, working space and home is. It's a quiet and lovely street where people say hello to each other, a warm street I would say, haha.

走快到店門口的時候,就看到一個女生在幫花朵們澆水,然後她抬頭,問我,你是在找我嗎?我說對,是我! 就這樣開始了。
As I was almost there, I thought a girl who was watering flowers, and she looked at me and ask, are you looking for me?  Yes, and this is the very beginning.

I can not remember why, but we started our conversation with politic, a very sensible topic, what a cool start. About politic, I didn't like it before, but when there are so many things happen, how can I not care? Though it is still so ugly and hateful, but I should and must care more about that, cuz it does have something to do with me. She said that she also go to a protest recently, to do what she should do.

I think most adults(parents) will say, you are still a child(even we are not children anymore), you don't need to care so much, you don't need to go to participate that, don't you have any other things to do? Of course, my power is tiny, but I believe, if all people get together for one goal, there supposed to be something happen, though the politicians change their mind when they got a higher place, but I still believe we can (and should)do something.

Then we discussed about a project that she and her boyfriend (Johannes) did in Bulgaria. It's his master thesis : If art and design can contribute to the resolution of conflicts

25 years ago, the government built a wall to separate the people from Roma and others, those people who live inside the wall are pool, they did have one school, but no one goes to the school, and no one cares about that. The children can barely read. So they planed a series of activities for them and other children, they did a cool drawing on the wall in the end. 

I felt quite sad while I heard about the story, how thankful I shall be, there are so many kids who were born there, and never had a chance to see the world outside the wall, neither to see the world nor to explore their possibilities. I don't know if there is any further plan for this project, but at least this is a beginning, read the internet site to get more info.

She showed me her works.

我最喜歡的系列 PASTEL,她為我示範了怎麼做,真是很耗費時間還有眼力的工作啊!!!但是真的很美,小小的好精緻。
My favorite series is PASTEL, she showed me how to make it, it really takes time and you need really good eyes to work for that! But it's really beautiful, small but delicate.

Then we talked about how to take photos and how to present works, imagination and experiments,again and again, everyone has his/her own way and unique style.


I thought a really lovely small earring, it has a tiny decoration on it, so I asked about how her made it, then she showed me a book, which is very old, and that's exactly the book that I'm always looking for, a book with many drawings inside, all with detail and wonderful balance. She looks up the book and try to using the pattern from the books, they invent a way to make the pattern on to the porcelain, it's so cool!


我想應該是我手上的這個戒指,我最喜歡沒有上色的瓷,很乾淨的顏色,我手上這一個有一個裂痕,這是因為熱漲冷縮,裡面有空氣,所以燒完以後它就裂開了,僅此一個(笑)。這個戒指叫做Twist, 先是橫的套進去(因為手指頭的關節)然後再轉成直的,他就會牢牢的套在你手指頭上了。
I think it is the ring, I always like the pure color from porcelain, very clear, the one I have has a crack, because some air was accidentally inside, and the air expand when hot and shrink when cold, so this is the only one (smile). The name of this ring is Twist, you need to twist it while wear it, the hole is not a a perfect circle but like a egg, it's designed because of the shape of the joint.


有一天在做杯子的時候,旁邊的朋友看到一個小塊的東西驚呼,這好像飾品,就這樣,開始了這個想法。第一年參加了很多設計類的展覽/活動design fair,建立自己品牌的名字,得到了一些回應,自己也覺得不錯,然後漸漸的就開始在一些商店/展覽寄賣自己的作品,去年終於開始了自己的展間。
Once while I was making a cup(ceramic), I left some small pieces with glass on the table, and a friend stepped by and said, it looks so alike a jewelry, and I said, yes. This is it. The first year I joined a lot of design fair to build my own brand, and I got some good feedback and I felt comfortable with what I'm doing. Then I started to sale my products in some shops and galleries, I have my own showroom last year.


I enjoy working, I wake up, drink a cup of coffee, eat breakfast then start to work till I'm tired and then go to sleep.


喜歡。 恩,我可以很肯定地說我喜歡Wedding,可是整個柏林,我不知道,我又喜歡又討厭吧。 他很喜歡他們住的Wedding區塊,一種unsettle的感覺,很熱鬧,可是又很安靜,鄰居都非常的好,而且你會不預期的遇到名人,他們並不炫耀他們是誰,就安安靜的在這裡生活,住在Wedding是一種堅強且粗曠tough and rough的感覺。
Anna :YES. Well, I am pretty sure that I like Wedding, but the whole Berlin? I don't know, I like it and I hate it. I LOVE Wedding, it's unsettle, it's so vivid and the same time so quiet, the neighborhood are nice, you meet some celebrities while walking on the streets, they are not show off, they live here quietly. Living in Wedding is a kind of feeling between tough and rough.

and she asked me, what do I like in Berlin?

I said: I like the feeling, a kind of feeling that I can do everything here. It's a strange feeling, when you are home, you have anything, but you think too much and don't dare to do anything, but here, I got nothing to lose, so I have no fear to lose.

Anna: I understand what you mean.

I said I have not tried to swim in the lake, she said, it's a really different feeling, she didn't like it before, but then she found out, the fear comes from her imagination is much bigger than the real fear, and it's really nice to do it when the weather is hot. 


Thanks Sheena first for introducing me Anna, it's really good to know people who has lots of passions for working, I got so many new ideas and thoughts via chatting, many ideas that I never thought before. There home is also cool, they build it with what they want, it's really nice.

Thanks, Anna.

Anna Kiryakova
 Kameruner Strasse 8, 13351 Berlin

Living in Berlin 
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